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Nanotyrannus Mystery – Unlock Secrets

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For years scientists who study dinosaurs have been engaged in a debate, over the true nature of a dinosaur called Nanotyrannus. Some argue that it is a species while others believe it is simply a young Tyrannosaurus Rex.

So what is Nanotyrannus? In this blog post, we will delve into the controversies, research findings, and discoveries surrounding the species known as Nanotyrannus.

Prehistoric Discovery Reevaluation

The initial discovery of this beast dates back to 1942 when paleontologists stumbled upon a skeleton belonging to a tyrannosaurid. During that time it was classified as part of the Gorgosaurus genus, which falls under the category of tyrannosaurs. However, in 1988 researcher Robert Bakker put forward the notion that the specimen was a T Rex. This perspective gained acceptance within the community.

However, this theory faced scrutiny when additional specimens emerged with skulls allowing researchers to closely examine their bone structures. In 2001 scientists conducted a study on the teeth, bones, and growth patterns of this specimen. Their analysis led them to conclude that this creature represented a species and genus separate from the T Rex.


Taxonomic Naming Debate

Another point of contention surrounding the identification of its stems from its name itself. In circles naming a discovered species requires specific criteria to be met; an in-depth understanding of its unique characteristics and approval, from the scientific community.

Unfortunately, this creature’s specimen was named in 1988 and subsequent discoveries have not supported this claim.

New Insights and Comparisons

Recent studies, on the structures of Nanotyrannus provide evidence of its diversity. Comparisons between the skull bones of Nanotyrannus and T Rex indicate that Nanotyrannus had a snout and teeth with serrations. This suggests that Nanotyrannus likely had a habitat, prey or hunting techniques compared to T Rex.

Nanotyrannus -

Discovery of Nanotyrannus

The Nanotyrannus was first discovered in 1942 by Charles W. Gilmore, a paleontologist, in Montana, USA.

It was initially classified as a juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex. However, in 1988, a team of paleontologists from the University of Kansas examined the fossils and reclassified it as a separate species – Nanotyrannus lancensis.

Size and Physical Features of this beast

The Nanotyrannus was smaller than the Tyrannosaurus Rex, measuring only 6-8 meters in length and weighing around 1 ton. It had long, slender legs, muscular arms, and a huge head with powerful jaws.

Its teeth were serrated and razor-sharp, making it a vicious predator. The bones in its skull were fused, which provided extra rigidity and strength.

Controversy surrounding this Creature

The classification of Nanotyrannus as a separate species has been a topic of debate since it was first discovered.

Some paleontologists argue that the fossils are juvenile T-Rexes, while others support the idea that it is indeed a distinct species. The issue remains unresolved, with no concrete evidence to support either view.

Habitat and Diet

Based on the fossils found, it is assumed that they lived in the Cretaceous period, around 68-66 million years ago. It is believed that it was a carnivore, preying on other smaller dinosaurs and mammals. Paleontologists speculate that it may have lived in forests or wooded areas, as opposed to the open grasslands preferred by T-Rexes.

Importance of Nanotyrannus

The discovery of this Dinosaur has given us a better understanding of the evolution of the Tyrannosaur family. By studying its physical features and behavior, we can learn more about the characteristics of its larger counterparts.

Furthermore, the debate surrounding its classification has stimulated discussions and research, leading to discoveries and insights in the field of paleontology.

Discovery of Fossils

The first fossils were discovered in the 1940s and were initially thought to be a separate genus of tyrannosaur. However, in the 1980s, some paleontologists started to question whether the specimens were just young T. rexes. This idea gained traction, and today, many experts believe that Nanotyrannus is simply a juvenile version of the larger predator.

Those in favor of the juvenile T. rex hypothesis point to similarities in bone structure between the two species, as well as the fact that the few known Nanotyrannus specimens are all juvenile or sub-adult in size. However, some researchers argue that these similarities could also be explained by this beast being a distinct species that was closely related to T. rex.

The Nanotyrannus Debate–Fossil Scarcity and Recent Insights

Recent studies, notably in 2020, focused on a well-preserved Nanotyrannus specimen named MOR 1125.

Researchers discovered distinct features setting it apart from T. rex, including a shorter, sturdier skull and smaller, finely grooved teeth. These differences, along with variations in vertebrae and limbs, bolster the argument for Nanotyrannus as a separate species.


In conclusion, Dryptosaurus was a captivating creature from the dinosaur world that deserves attention. It had a unique mode of locomotion and distinct physical features, such as its bipedal stance, saw-like teeth, robust hindlimb build-up, and bony frill for protection.

It also had an important place in modern scientific study. Its bones were integral to understanding the evolution of Ceratosauria in North America, while its teeth and jawbone helped researchers understand its dietary patterns.

The key takeaway here is that Dryptosaurus should not be disregarded among the larger, more popular dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus rex or Triceratops.v We should take the time to appreciate it’s fascinating features and significance to our current field of knowledge. After all, dinosaurs would not have made it into history without these smaller members of their varied family!

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