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Discover What Animal Is Closest To A Dinosaur

What Animal Is Closest To A Dinosaur
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Dinosaurs are often thought to be long extinct, yet surprisingly enough, many creatures on earth still show us hints of their ancient past. What animal is closest to a dinosaur? These animals possess many characteristics and traits which connect them to their ancient relatives. In this article, we will be exploring the evidence that shows what animal is closest to a dinosaur.


What is a Dinosaur

A dinosaur is a type of prehistoric animal that lived on Earth millions of years ago. They were the dominant land animals of the Mesozoic Era, which lasted from about 250 million to 65 million years ago.

Dinosaurs eventually went extinct. Scientists are still debating the exact cause of their extinction, but the most widely accepted theory is that a large asteroid or comet struck the Earth, causing a global catastrophe that wiped out the dinosaurs. But, what animal is closest to a dinosaur that was already extinct?

Today, dinosaurs are studied by paleontologists, who use fossils to learn about their anatomy, behavior, and evolution. Dinosaurs have also become popular in popular culture, appearing in books, movies, and video games.

What Animal Is Closest To A Dinosaur

What animal is closest to a dinosaur: Birds

The fascinating answer to what animal is closest to a dinosaur is the bird. Birds are the only living descendants of the dinosaurs. With the fossil record and genetic evidence, scientists have concluded that birds are dinosaurs.

They share similar physical characteristics with some modern dinosaurs, such as feathers, hollow bones, and the presence of a wishbone. Although birds do not resemble their dinosaur ancestors in all ways, they are the closest living relatives of this ancient species.

Birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs, which were two-legged, carnivorous dinosaurs. Theropods were the ancestors of modern birds, and they share many features in common. For example, both birds and theropods have hollow bones, three-toed feet, and a wishbone.

What animal is closest to a dinosaur: Crocodiles

The gigantic answer to what animal is closest to a dinosaur is the crocodile. Crocodiles are the closest living relatives to dinosaurs. This is because they are both members of the same group of reptiles, the Archosauria. This group includes alligators, birds, and even some extinct species of dinosaurs.

Crocodiles have been around for millions of years, and they have changed very little over that time. They have the same basic body plan as their dinosaur ancestors, with a long, powerful tail, four short legs, and a long snout. They also have the same type of scales and armor-like skin that dinosaurs had.

What animal is closest to a dinosaur: Chickens

Another interesting answer on what animal is closest to a dinosaur is the chicken. Though chickens are not considered to be dinosaurs, they are the closest living relatives to dinosaurs.

Chickens are part of the avian family, which is the same family as the extinct dinosaurs. This means that chickens are the closest living relatives to dinosaurs, but they are not considered to be dinosaurs themselves.

Chickens are also closely related to other extinct dinosaurs, such as the sauropods. Sauropods were large, four-legged herbivorous dinosaurs that lived during the Mesozoic era.

Similarities And Evidence On What Animal Is Closest To A Dinosaur

What animal is closest to a dinosaur: The Similarities

What Animal Is Closest To A Dinosaur


The link between dinosaurs and birds is under constant study, with evidence supporting their connection. Fossils highlight similarities like feathers, hollow bones, and joint structures, suggesting birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs. This evolution was likely driven by environmental factors such as competition for food, predator evasion, and the need for long-distance travel in search of sustenance.

What Animal Is Closest To A Dinosaur


Dinosaurs and crocodiles are also similar in their behavior. They are carnivorous predators, and they hunt in the same way that dinosaurs did. They use their powerful jaws to catch and kill their prey, and they can move quickly through the water to chase down their prey.

What Animal Is Closest To A Dinosaur


Chickens have many features that are similar to sauropods, such as their long necks and small heads.

What animal is closest to a dinosaur: The Evidence


There is significant evidence that suggests that dinosaurs and birds are closely related, and that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs during the Jurassic period.

This evidence has led scientists to conclude that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs during the Jurassic period. Furthermore, evidence suggests that birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs which were capable of powered flight.
Chickens have many features that are similar to theropod dinosaurs, such as their beaks, feathers, and wings.


Crocodiles have some of the same physical features as dinosaurs. They have long, sharp teeth, and their eyes are set in the same way as those of dinosaurs. They also have long necks and long tails, which are both features that were common in dinosaurs.


The chickens are descended from theropod dinosaurs, which were two-legged carnivorous dinosaurs. Theropod dinosaurs were the ancestors of modern birds, and chickens are the closest living relatives to these extinct dinosaurs.

Final Thoughts

Finding what animal is closest to a dinosaur can give us a little thrill. Though dinosaurs no longer exist in the physical world, their descendants, such as birds, crocodiles, and chickens, still roam the earth. It is amazing to think that these animals are related to the mighty T. rex, and it is a reminder to be cautious around their more dangerous relatives.

Other species that might be related to dinosaurs include crabs, tuataras, lizards, snakes, turtles, and amphibians. They are a living reminder of the dinosaurs that once roamed the Earth.

Want more information about dinosaurs? Check out Dinosaurzus now!

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