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Deinonychus and Velociraptor: Joyful Comparison

Comparing Deinonychus and Velociraptor: A Paleontologist's Perspective
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When it comes to dinosaurs, two of the most notorious species are Deinonychus and Velociraptor. Both have been immortalized in popular culture and have become household names, especially since their appearance in the Jurassic Park franchise.

But what is the difference between these two species? Let’s take a look at the similarities and differences between Deinonychus and Velociraptor.

Physical Appearance Between Deinonychus and Velociraptor

The Deinonychus was a small dinosaur that measured up to three meters in length and weighed roughly 33 kilograms. It had long, powerful hind legs with sharp claws that allowed it to leap great distances, as well as an elongated neck, long arms, and a large head with sharp teeth.

The Velociraptor was slightly larger than the Deinonychus, measuring up to four meters in length and weighing about 50 kilograms. It also had long hind legs with sharp claws, but its arms were shorter than those of the Deinonychus. Its neck was shorter as well, as well as its head which had fewer teeth than its cousin.

Spinosaurus and deinonychus in the jungle. This is a 3d render illustration.

Behavioral Traits Between Deinonychus and Velociraptor

Deinonychus and Velociraptor shared some similar behaviors such as hunting in packs and using their talons to capture prey; however, their behaviors did differ in some ways.

The Deinonychus is believed to have been an ambush predator that usually attacked smaller animals such as lizards or birds while the Velociraptor was more likely to hunt larger herds of herbivores such as Triceratops or Protoceratops.

Running Speed

Deinonychus and Velociraptor were capable of running at high speeds when chasing down prey.

Additionally, it is thought that Velociraptors may have been able to use their feathers for display purposes or even flight although this has yet to be confirmed by paleontologists. On the other hand, there is no evidence that suggests that the Deinonychus had any kind of feathery covering on its body.

Size Difference Between Deinonychus and Velociraptor

The first major difference between Deinonychus and Velociraptor is size. Velociraptors were much smaller than their larger cousins; they typically measured about 1.6 meters in length and weighed around 15 kilograms.

Deinonychuses, on the other hand, could reach up to 2.4 meters long and weigh up to 70 kilograms! This means that if you saw a dinosaur in real life that was similar to the ones in Jurassic Park, it was most likely a deinonychus, not a velociraptor!

Feet Differences Between The Two

Another way to tell Deinonychus and Velociraptor apart is by looking at their feet. Velociraptors had sickle-like claws on their feet, while deinonychuses had relatively flat claws that were better suited for running and climbing trees.

This difference was probably due to the fact that velociraptors lived in open areas like desert plains and steppes while deinonychuses lived in forested areas with more varied terrain.

Brain Size Difference Between Deinonychus and Velociraptor

Finally, another major difference between Deinonychus and Velociraptors is brain size. Velociraptors had relatively large brains compared to other dinosaurs of their size–their brains made up around 4% of their total body weight!

Deinonychuses, however, had smaller brains–theirs only made up about 2% of their total body weight. This suggests that velociraptors were smarter and more intelligent than deinonychuses—which may explain why they survived longer after the extinction event!


The Deinonychus and Velociraptor were two species of small carnivorous dinosaurs that lived during the late Cretaceous period in what is now North America.\ Both species had large claws on their feet, a feature that has been interpreted by scientists as indicating that they were capable of powerful slashing attacks against prey.

Teeth & Claws

Another major difference between Deinonychus and Velociraptor is their teeth and claws. While Deinonychus and Velociraptor had sharp claws that were used for hunting prey, only Deinonychus had serrated teeth which meant it could tear through flesh more easily than Velociraptor.

In addition, Deinonychus also had longer arms compared to its cousin which gave it better balance when running after prey or defending itself against predators.

Both Dinosaurs Belong to the Dromaeosauridae Family

Deinonychus and Velociraptor belong to the same family of dinosaurs called Dromaeosauridae. This group of dinosaurs is characterized by their bird-like features such as feathers, wings, and long legs.

They were also both bipedal which means they walked on two legs instead of four like other dinosaurs.

Differences in Hunting Behavior

Due to their anatomy, both species hunted differently from one another as well as other dinosaurs in their time period. Deinonychus relied on speed and agility when hunting prey, it could chase down smaller animals such as lizards or mammals much more quickly than larger predators like Tyrannosaurus Rex or the Spinosaurus due to its smaller size and more agile movements.

On the other hand, velociraptors used stealth tactics when hunting; they would often hide in tall grasses or behind trees until their prey came close enough for it to seize with their powerful jaws or slash at with their sharp claws—and then make a quick escape if necessary!

Key Differences

There are some key differences between these two species. For starters, Deinonychus was much larger than Velociraptor – it measured up to 3 meters long while Velociraptor was only 1.5 meters long. Additionally, while both species had feathers, Deinonychus had thicker plumage than Velociraptor did; this likely helped it to maintain its body temperature in colder climates.


Deinonychus was likely more intelligent than its smaller counterpart; it is believed that it could hunt in packs, whereas Velociraptor would have been limited to solo hunting.

Diet Between the Deinonychus and Velociraptor

Another major difference between these two species is their diet–while both were primarily carnivores, Deinonychus was also known to have eaten vegetation occasionally while Velociraptor did not appear to do so at all.

This indicates that Deinonychus may have had a somewhat more varied diet than its smaller relative. Additionally, unlike many other dinosaur species from this time period, neither Deinonychus nor Velociraptor appeared to live in herds or form social groups; instead they were typically solitary hunters who roamed alone or in pairs.


Despite their similar physical attributes like feathers and wings, there are still some major differences between Deinonychus and Velociraptors that set them apart from each other.

The most notable differences are size; Deinonychus being bigger than its cousin with a weight of up to 150 pounds compared to just 15 pounds for Velociraptor, teeth only Deinonychus having serrated teeth and claws, shorter arms on the velociraptor giving it less balance when running or defending itself against predators. It’s clear that despite belonging to the same family of dinosaurs, each species has unique characteristics that make them stand out from one another!

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