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Troodon Size

Troodon was about 6 to 8 feet long, 3 to 4 feet tall at the hips, and weighed around 100 to 150 pounds, making it a small dinosaur of the Late Cretaceous.

Troodon Weight

Troodon weighed approximately 100 to 150 pounds (45 to 68 kilograms), making it a relatively lightweight dinosaur.

Troodon Food/Diet

Troodon was a small, carnivorous dinosaur that primarily hunted small animals, but it may have also included plant material or scavenged as needed.

Troodon Life expectancy

The exact life expectancy of Troodon is not well-documented due to limited fossil evidence. However, like many small theropod dinosaurs, it likely had a lifespan that spanned several years, with factors such as growth rates, environmental conditions, and predation pressures influencing its specific lifespan. Troodon individuals might have had varying lifespans based on these factors.

Troodon Strength

Troodon, being a small theropod dinosaur, was not known for physical strength in the same way as larger theropods like Tyrannosaurus rex. Its adaptations were more focused on agility and hunting prowess. It likely had relatively strong jaws for its size, which would have been adapted for capturing and consuming its prey. However, it was not a dinosaur known for its physical strength in terms of raw power or ability to overpower large prey.

Troodon Weakness

Troodon’s weaknesses included vulnerability to larger predators, predation risk, challenges in environmental changes, and reproductive demands.

Troodon Head

Troodon had a relatively large head compared to its body size, with sharp teeth adapted for capturing and eating small prey. It had keen senses, including binocular vision, which likely aided in hunting.

Troodon Found In

Fossils of Troodon have been found primarily in North America, particularly in regions of Canada and the United States. These discoveries have provided important insights into the existence and behaviors of Troodon in Late Cretaceous ecosystems.

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