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Guanlong Size

Length: Estimated to be around 3 meters (10 feet) long. Height: Approximately 1 meter (3.3 feet) at the hips.

Guanlong Weight

Estimated to weigh around 20-30 kilograms (44-66 pounds).

Guanlong Food/Diet

Guanlong was a carnivore, which means it primarily ate other animals. It likely preyed on smaller dinosaurs, reptiles, and possibly insects

Guanlong Life expectancy

Like most dinosaurs, the exact lifespan of Guanlong is uncertain, but it was likely similar to modern birds and reptiles, with individuals possibly living for several years.

Guanlong Strength

Guanlong was a relatively small theropod compared to later carnivorous dinosaurs. Its strength would have been adapted for hunting smaller prey.

Guanlong Weakness

Due to its small size, Guanlong would have been vulnerable to larger predators. Additionally, its size might have limited the range of prey it could effectively hunt.

Guanlong Head

One of the distinctive features of Guanlong is the presence of a pair of bony crests on its head, which resemble the crests seen in some later theropods like Dilophosaurus. These crests were probably used for display and may have had a social or mating function

Guanlong Found In

Fossils of Guanlong have been discovered in the Shishugou Formation of Xinjiang, China. This region has yielded a variety of well-preserved dinosaur fossils from the Late Jurassic period.

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