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Gigantoraptor Size

Length: Estimated to be around 8 meters (26 feet) long. Height: Approximately 4 meters (13 feet) tall.

Gigantoraptor Weight

Estimates suggest that Gigantoraptor could have weighed up to 1.5 metric tons (around 3,300 pounds).

Gigantoraptor Food/Diet

Gigantoraptor was likely an omnivore, meaning it ate both plants and animals. Its diet might have included vegetation, eggs, and small animals like insects or vertebrates.

Gigantoraptor Life expectancy

Like most dinosaurs, the exact lifespan of Gigantoraptor is uncertain, but it likely lived for several years.

Gigantoraptor Strength

Gigantoraptor was a large dinosaur, and its strength would have been adapted for its size. It likely possessed powerful leg muscles and a robust build.

Gigantoraptor Weakness

Despite its size, Gigantoraptor would have had vulnerabilities to larger predators or potentially other Gigantoraptors. Additionally, being a theropod, it would have had to compete with other carnivores for food resources.

Gigantoraptor Head

It had a relatively small head compared to its large body. The shape of the head would have been adapted for its feeding habits, whether they included plant material, small prey, or both.

Gigantoraptor Found In

Fossils of Gigantoraptor have been discovered in Inner Mongolia, China. Specifically, the type specimen was found in the Bayan Mandahu Formation.

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