Length: Approximately eight meters (26 feet).
Height: Its height was about four meters (13 feet).
Gigantoraptor Weight
Some say that Gigantoraptors weigh up to 1.5 metric tons (around 3,300 pounds).
Gigantoraptor Food/Diet
This animal, just like other dinosaurs, is believed to have been omnivorous, eating both plants and animals in the wild. It may have fed on plant material, eggs, insects, or small vertebrates.
Gigantoraptor Life expectancy
The exact lifespan of this dinosaur remains unknown like many others but it would have probably lived for a few years.
Gigantoraptor Strength
To suit its large size as a colossal dinosaur, Gigantoraptor’s strength would be adapted. Probably muscles running down their legs and a sturdy composition defined them.
Gigantoraptor Weakness
Despite its large size, however, it would be susceptible to larger predators or maybe other Gigantopators as well. Also being theropods there might be competition with other carnivores for food resources.
Gigantoraptor Head
Its little head was relatively small compared to the body. The shape of this head could have been suited to its feeding habits whether that involved plant material smaller prey than itself or both.
Gigantoraptor Found In
Inner Mongolia, China has fossils of Gigantohraptors specifically the type specimen was found in the Bayan Mandahu Formation.