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Gastonia burgei

Gastonia burgei Size

Length: Estimated to be around 4-5 meters (13-16 feet) long. Height: Approximately 1.2 meters (4 feet) tall at the hips.

Gastonia burgei Weight

Estimated to weigh around 1.5 metric tons (about 3,300 pounds).

Gastonia burgei Food/Diet

Gastonia was an herbivore, which means it primarily ate plants. It likely fed on low-lying vegetation, such as ferns, cycads, and other plants that were available during its time.

Gastonia burgei Life expectancy

Like most dinosaurs, the exact lifespan of Gastonia is uncertain, but it likely lived for several years, possibly up to a couple of decades.

Gastonia burgei Strength

Gastonia had a heavily armored body, with bony plates and spikes protecting it from predators. Its strength would have been in its well-armored body, which made it well-adapted for defense.

Gastonia burgei Weakness

Due to its relatively small size compared to some other ankylosaurs, Gastonia may have been more vulnerable to larger predators. Additionally, its mobility might have been limited by its heavy armor.

Gastonia burgei Head

Gastonia had a relatively small head compared to its body, with a beak-like mouth for cropping vegetation. Its head was also protected by bony plates.

Gastonia burgei Found In

Fossils of Gastonia burgei have been discovered in the Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah, USA. This geological formation has yielded a variety of dinosaur fossils from the Early Cretaceous period.

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