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Gallimimus bullatus

Gallimimus bullatus Size

Length: Estimated to be around 6 meters (20 feet) long. Height: About 2 meters (6.6 feet) tall at the hips.

Gallimimus bullatus Weight

Estimates suggest that Gallimimus could have weighed around 440-550 pounds (200-250 kilograms).

Gallimimus bullatus Food/Diet

Gallimimus was an omnivore, which means it likely ate both plants and small animals. Its diet might have included vegetation, fruits, seeds, and possibly small invertebrates or vertebrates.

Gallimimus bullatus Life expectancy

Like most dinosaurs, the exact lifespan of Gallimimus is uncertain. However, it probably lived for several years, with estimates ranging from a few years to possibly a couple of decades.

Gallimimus bullatus Strength

Gallimimus was a relatively lightly-built dinosaur, and its strength would have been adapted for speed and agility rather than raw power. It was likely well-adapted for fast running.

Gallimimus bullatus Weakness

While Gallimimus was built for speed, its relatively slender build and lack of significant armor or defensive features might have made it vulnerable to larger predators.

Gallimimus bullatus Head

Gallimimus had a relatively small head with a beak-like snout, typical of theropod dinosaurs. Its head was adapted for feeding on a variety of foods, including plants and small animals.

Gallimimus bullatus Found In

Fossils of Gallimimus have been discovered in the Nemegt Formation of Mongolia. This geological formation is known for its rich fossil deposits, providing valuable insights into the Late Cretaceous ecosystems of the region.

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