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Dreadnoughtus Size

Length: Estimated to be around 26 meters (85 feet) long. Height: Approximately 7.3 meters (24 feet) tall at the shoulder.

Dreadnoughtus Weight

Estimated to weigh around 59 metric tons (about 65 U.S. tons). This makes Dreadnoughtus one of the largest known dinosaurs.

Dreadnoughtus Food/Diet

Dreadnoughtus was an herbivore, which means it primarily ate plants. It likely consumed a variety of vegetation, such as ferns, conifers, and other types of prehistoric plants that were available during its time.

Dreadnoughtus Life expectancy

Like most dinosaurs, the exact lifespan of Dreadnoughtus is uncertain. However, it likely lived for several decades, possibly up to 50-70 years.

Dreadnoughtus Strength

Dreadnoughtus had a massively built body with powerful legs, allowing it to support its immense weight. Its strength would have been adapted for moving and foraging in its environment.

Dreadnoughtus Weakness

Despite its size, Dreadnoughtus would have faced challenges such as finding enough food to sustain its massive body. It would also have been vulnerable to predators when young or if it was incapacitated.

Dreadnoughtus Head

The skull of Dreadnoughtus was relatively small compared to its body, with a long neck and a relatively small head with peg-like teeth for stripping vegetation.

Dreadnoughtus Found In

Fossils of Dreadnoughtus schrani have been discovered in the Cerro Fortaleza Formation in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. This geological formation has yielded a variety of dinosaur fossils from the Late Cretaceous period.

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