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Dracorex hogwartsia

Dracorex hogwartsia Size

Based on the skull, it is estimated to have been around 3 meters (10 feet) in length.

Dracorex hogwartsia Weight

There isn’t specific data available for the weight of Dracorex hogwartsia. However, based on its skull size, it would have been a relatively small dinosaur.

Dracorex hogwartsia Food/Diet

As a member of the Pachycephalosauridae family, it is believed to have been an herbivore, feeding on plants and vegetation.

Dracorex hogwartsia Life expectancy

The exact lifespan of Dracorex hogwartsia is uncertain, but it likely lived for several years, possibly up to a couple of decades.

Dracorex hogwartsia Strength

Dracorex would have had the strength typical of a small ornithischian dinosaur. It would have been adapted for moving around and feeding.

Dracorex hogwartsia Weakness

Due to its relatively small size, Dracorex would have been vulnerable to larger predators of the Late Cretaceous period, like Tyrannosaurus rex.

Dracorex hogwartsia Head

Dracorex is known for its distinctive, ornamented skull. It had a bony dome on its head, which is a characteristic feature of pachycephalosaurs. The skull also had a row of spikes along the back, giving it a dragon-like appearance.

Dracorex hogwartsia Found In

Fossils of Dracorex hogwartsia have been discovered in the Hell Creek Formation, which spans several states in the western United States, including Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. This geological formation has yielded a rich trove of Late Cretaceous dinosaur fossils.

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