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Daspletosaurus Size

Daspletosaurus was a huge theropod dinosaur. It measured 25 to 30 feet long and was about 8 to 9 feet tall at the hips. Its hind limbs were robust and it had a long tail.

Daspletosaurus Weight

Weight estimates for Daspletosaurus individuals vary, but the average weight of these animals is thought to have been between 1,500 and 3,000 pounds. Some larger individuals may have exceeded this range.

Daspletosaurus Food/Diet

The diet of Daspletosaurus primarily comprised other dinosaurs and small prey animals. As the apex predator in its ecosystem, it probably preyed on herbivorous dinosaurs like ceratopsids and hadrosaurs.

Daspletosaurus Life expectancy

Calculations of life expectancies for Daspletosaurus and other dinosaurs are extraordinarily difficult to determine accurately. However, as with many large theropods, it likely experienced a relatively long period of maturation during which time it could have lived for several decades if it reached adulthood.

Daspletosaurus Strength

The dinosaur had powerful biting jaws full of sharp teeth that enabled the animal to deliver strong bites. It also possessed well-formed back legs implying that it was possibly a fast runner capable of chasing down its victims. To hold onto wriggling prey or fend off other predators, strength would be crucial in this regard.

Daspletosaurus Weakness

Other vulnerabilities might have been present in Daspletosaurus like in other large theropods. This animal would have competed with top predators within its habitat hence getting hurt while hunting or fighting rival dinosaurs would not be so strange. Moreover, this animal was susceptible to diseases as well as parasite infections.

Daspletosaurus Head

Its head included a prominent cranial crest above its eyes; while the front part was armed with multiple sharp conical teeth along an elongated snout. To determine distances and capture prey, it had forward-facing eyes giving it binocular vision. Therefore, the head was an effective weapon for dealing with fatal bites.

Daspletosaurus Found In

North America is known to have contained fossils of Daspletosaurus, especially in the western part of the United States and Canada. Key localities where the remains of Daspletosaurus have been found are Alberta, Canada, and Montana, USA respectively. The fossils have given valuable information about the life and behavior of this dinosaur.

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