The head of the Apatosaurus was relatively small compared to its massive body and long neck. The skull was elongated and somewhat boxy in shape, with a narrow snout and large nostrils positioned on the top of the head. This placement of the nostrils allowed the Apatosaurus to breathe easily while its head was lowered to graze or submerged in water.
The Apatosaurus had peg-like teeth that were mainly restricted to the front part of the jaw. These teeth were not suited for grinding or chewing but were effective at stripping leaves from branches. Since the teeth were not designed for processing food inside the mouth, the Apatosaurus likely swallowed its food whole or in large chunks.
The eyes of the Apatosaurus were positioned on the sides of its head, giving it a wide range of vision to detect potential threats and food sources. However, due to the size and length of its neck, the Apatosaurus would have had limited mobility in moving its head quickly, relying more on its long neck to reach vegetation and survey its surroundings.